We keep focused on the Morlaco project!
Last Saturday our friends from PowerArt visited us in our workshop. They are the most important Spanish Youtube channel dedicated to motorsport.
They already published a chapter about our Pikes Peak project, one year ago. We talked in Spanish but you can activate the English subtitles.
In 2019 they will cover our work with the Morlaco and also other projects we are working on. This means that they will visit us several times during the year.
Besides recording some video for the next chapter that they will publish during the second half of March, they also took some cool photos while we were working on the Morlaco.

The bike has now a much better aspect with the painted and black anodized parts. We had some doubts about if it was worth to paint the parts now because we still have a lot of work ahead and it is possible to scratch it or get it dirty.
But I think it was a good decision because now when we see the bike so immaculate and shiny, our motivation increases. Now we feel that we are working on something new and not so much on an old project.
Truly, every time that I go into the workshop and I see the bike, my heart rate increases!

Some days ago I was asked in Facebook if I would consider a redesign of the front fork because it looks a little bit boxy. It is true that the fork is a little bit oversized, but it is necessary to take into account that we designed the bike in 2002, and at that time we had very little experience with motorbikes.
But the idea is to finish the bike that we designed at that time. If we start to improve the design, we would change everything, not only the fork. Nowadays we would do everything in a very different way.
So the idea is to finish the bike that we designed in 2002, and later on design and build a new one in 2020, applying the knowledge and the experience that we have gained over these years.
I think it would be very nice to see both bikes together, then we could compare them and see the evolution.