Pikes PeakBy David Sánchez / May 27, 2020 Pikes Peak project: Chapter one. As we already mentioned in our previous post about the BOTT XR1R release, Bottpower is now involved in a new Pikes Peak project: Chapter two. Finally we received the two Buell XBRR that we will use as donor bikes for building our XR1R Pikes Peak Pikes Peak Project: Chapter three Pikes Peak International Hill Climb is an event in which you can race only by invitation. The total amount of Pikes Peak Project: Chapter four As we already mentioned in previous chapter, as we are getting closer to the race date (in June), there is Pikes Peak Project: Chapter five In Chapter 2, we explained that we started this project with the help of 2 of our best customers who Pikes Peak Project: Chapter six During the last days, we have been working on the bike with the intention of having it ready to do Pikes Peak Project: Chapter seven Travis Newbold, the American rider who will race the BOTT XR1R in Pikes Peak next 25th of June, came to Pikes Peak Project: Chapter eight The BOTT XR1R was shipped from Spain to Denver some days before Jose Manuel Orge (my trusted mechanic to work Bottpower video by PowerArt PowerArt, a Spanish Youtube channel dedicated to Motorsport, has published a very cool video about Bottpower and the Pikes Peak Rémy Roland internship project Rémy Roland is a French Industrial Design student that one year ago spent some months at Bottpower doing an internship. Pikes Peak Project 2018: chapter one Well, here we are, already working in the 2018 Pikes Peak Project. Time flies and the 24th of June (race BOTT XR1R Pikes Peak race bike for sale One month ago we made public in our Social Networks that finally this year we are not going to race 1 2 Next » Related